Wednesday, July 30, 2008
JJ "Driving a Car" at the Fair
JJ really enjoyed the rides at the 4-H Fair the first time around. The second time he was more of a serious driver. Will this caution continue once he has a real license???
Thursday, July 24, 2008
4-H Fair Outing
On the drive home I was naming the animals we had seen to keep him occupied since he was pretty tired. I named several, then said "and what else?" to myself as I was thinking of what I was missing. JJ then made an "oinking" sound - and he was right! The only animal I had left out was the pig!
JJ's Popsicle in the Pool
JJ enjoyed a popsicle while playing in his "Cars" pool in our front yard yesterday. I don't know what he loved more - the popsicle or swimming in the front yard. From his pool he watched cars, motorcycles, and a bus go by and waved to most of them. He didn't put his popsicle down until only the stick was left - with popsicle drippings EVERYWHERE!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
JJ Petting a Pony
JJ was interested in all the animals at the petting zoo at the Double JJ Ranch in Michigan - but actually touched the pony!
JJ the Drummer
JJ learned to drum from his Uncle Evan last week! Check out these mad drumming skills :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
JJ Riding the Zoo Train
JJ loved the train at the zoo...he cried when he had to get off :( He is intrigued by trains right now. "whoo whoo!"